Outside my Window...remnants of a storm and pink light on the fields
I am thinking… how did "Summer of 69" get stuck in my head?
I am thankful for… hot water and decent pressure in my shower.
From the kitchen…chili
From the learning rooms… yesterday we finally read about the 2nd commandment in our Droodles book. The kids love it and wanted to keep going. (unless that was a ploy to avoid rest time?)
I am wearing… what what? who's dressed so early? that's right, I am! jeans and a long sleeve shirt, ugly blue socks with non slip soles.
I am reading… a new book! Serve God Save the Planet (it is from a stack borrowed from Deanna, I've had these books for way too long.)
I am hoping… to work for consistency
I am hearing… birds, again.
I am creating…grocery list
Around the house… sleeping children, one who needs to be woken up for school
One of my favorite things… V's new thing of trying to be silly on purpose for a laugh.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week… tball practice 2x, dance class, Truth Project, hopefully rearranging some rooms.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you