Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Grateful In All

This was originally written for my church bulletin cover...

“Lion on a leash." That is what Ann Voskamp calls Satan in her book One Thousand Gifts. I first heard of her through her blog where I saw her list. Her ongoing list of things to be thankful for. So I started one too. Now and then I remember the list and I meditate on the little and the big things in my life that I can be thankful for and jot them down. I recently started reading her book and was reminded that a life fully lived is not just thankful in the moments of wiggly baby toes, morning grass adorned with dew drops, and ice cream cones. I thought I knew this. Yes...of course we are to be thankful in all things. God uses all things for our good (Romans 8:28), so no matter how hard it is we thank Him and bless His name just like the song says.
Yet when it happens, what do I do? Do I pout? Often I do. Don’t get me wrong. There are times when hard things have happened and I have felt the blanket of the Lord wrap around me and hold me while I mourned and He never gave me a chance to pout. Then there are times where something minor happens that throws me for a loop and I’m pouting and wondering “why me?” as if I should be living a life free of hurt. That wouldn’t be a full life though. Life in itself is full of so many different experiences and how we deal
with them is up to us. When the bad comes am I thankful that though Satan is a fierce lion, he is still on a leash? No matter how much he tries, he can only
roar and perhaps scratch me from time to time, but his leash keeps him from
devouring what belongs to Christ. Am I thankful for the chance to grow closer to and stronger in Jesus? Allow me to continue my list here, finding something to be thankful for in a few of the harder things....

Entangled in someone’s gossip....reminds me to hold my own tongue

Friend claims to no longer believe in own assurance of faith is challenged and now stronger than ever

Miscarriage.....chance to experience the Love and comfort of Jesus in a new amazing way

Death of family friend...... thankful for time w/ her, reminder that life here is but a breath

Whining children...reminded that I must sound that way to God sometimes

Situation not going my way.....chance to break free from selfishness

Exhausted..... this means that I have a life blessed with good things and people to wear me out

Never ending to do list.... opportunity to serve

Lonely times....moments to just be with the Lord

The unknown.... the adventure.

1 comment:

Scroggins said...

Melisa, thank you for baring your least some of it. I kinda felt like I was reading a diary that was laid open on the kitchen table. I totally relate in so many ways! Growing in the grace and mercy of God, dealing with life's ups and downs...we really are on an incredible journey! I've been listening to Joyce Meyers podcasts on itunes (they're free) - I've really enjoyed them. Heck, they've made me laugh and cry and praise God all in the same 15min podcast. Anyway, thought I'd just put it out there. Have a great day!