Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Simple Woman's Daybook

My Simple Woman’s Daybook For Today… Tuesday August 5, 2009
Outside my Window,,,perhaps I should open it?
I am thinking… of all I have to do before I leave, and all that I want to do.
I am thankful for… my mom who is willing to come and be with the kids.
From the kitchen… broth.
I am wearing… let's just say that it is laundry day.
I am reading… The Maker's Diet and The Secret Garden (to the kids).
I am hoping… that this trip will be a time not only of relaxation, but regeneration.
I am hearing… kids chatting, cleaning and a dove cooing in the pear tree outside.
I am creating… a few baby gifts to have on hand for the 8 girlfriends that are pregnant.
Around the house… laundry, sheets to be changed, bedrooms to be vacuumed.
One of my favorite things… staying up late and laughing.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week… picking up mom, store, packing and sailing away!
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you…

it should be this

but it's this...