Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bulletin Cover 12/7

So this blog is sorely neglected for a variety of reasons. One being I'm posting daily on my fam blog for the advent season. For now here is my recent bulletin cover.

Christmas is here. Okay so perhaps we still have some time until the actual date, but the season is upon us even now. The most common question asked of me as a child was “what do you want for Christmas?” I still get asked this question by family and I can think of several practical and impractical things to fill my list with. However, this year I want to ask myself the same, but slightly altered, question.

What do I want for Christmas that cannot be bought in a store?

  • A deeper relationship with my Lord. Oh I hope I never stop yearning for this. I don’t want to be caught in a place where I think I’ve “arrived” in my relationship with Christ. There is more of Him to know than I could ever dream of.
  • A deeper appreciation of my relationship with Christ. My dad has said that when we get to heaven and see people like Moses, and run up to him and ask what it was like to see the Red Sea split, or ask Abraham about seeing God’s glory pass by, that they will say, “Ya, it was great, but tell me what it was like to have the Holy Spirit with you, and have it never leave you?” Our New Testament relationship is unique to those before Pentecost. I don’t want to take it for granted.
  • I want to be completely yielding to God being the author of my life story. There are so many things in my life that have not gone the way I thought they would have. There are even some things in my finite mind that I still don’t understand and would change. How dare I? I want to take honor and be humbled that the author of the universe has taken interest in my story. He has specific plans for every aspect of my life, from being and wife to a mother, a friend and a servant. He has details for each. I don’t want to keep any part of it to myself.

I suppose those three things sum most of it up. Don’t get me wrong, I am looking forward to presents under the tree. But if I don’t get excited about the gifts that are listed above, there is no point in anything else. What’s great is that I already have all things in Christ. ALL THINGS! I wish you could hear me shout for joy right now. Actually I wish I could shout, but I don’t want to frighten the children. Maybe I’ll go downstairs and get them to shout with me. Merry Christmas!

Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. James 1:17

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I'm having some fun with an advent calendar on my family blog. Click here.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

bulletin cover 11/16

*photo by Nunook_Wolf_08

Does anyone else think that faith is scary? I have been thinking about this a lot lately, faith, that is. There is a great line in C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, where Susan asks the beaver if the lion named Aslan is safe. The response she receives is, " ‘Safe?’ said Mr. Beaver. ‘Who said anything about safe? Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you.’ "

I know that God is a safe place, but according the standards of this world we live in, faith is risky. It doesn’t really let us do what we want all the time and that is contrary to everything that is being said around us. When we give our lives to God, we give our lives to Him. Our lives are no longer our own. We die to ourselves. I don’t mean to sound repetitive, but do we really get that? Most times I don’t think I do. I can think of several times in my life where I’ve been that place where I’ve said, “ask of me Lord, I want to obey!” Then He does and I don’t really like what hear so I tell myself that’s probably not God talking, or I have the audacity to say “whoa, there, slow down God! How about we try something else?”

What is the risk of walking in faith? Not fitting in? Ridicule of man? Humbling ourselves? Why are these things scary? Do I not realize who I am dealing with? I must not. I don’t believe that God is going to strike me down at the first sign of disobedience, but perhaps I should remember that He could. God’s love, patience, and forgiveness is without end to be sure. Yet I don’t want to take it for granted and forget that He is GOD. ( I wish I could say that in a powerful, booming voice for effect.)

I can’t believe that I’ve tried to tell God what to do. I can’t believe that I would fear man more than God (same big voice). I am so thankful that when things don’t seem safe, that I may remember that He is good.

Read Matthew 14:24-32

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever. Psalm 118:1

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

a word from piper

some wisdom and perspective...reminding me of Who is sovereign.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

No Sleep!

Last night the baby got up twice which could have been worse, but I was still wishing that it was zero times. I know I'm not the only mom who dreams of uninterrupted nights of sleep. I enter this place where I start to bargain with or even beg God for sleep. Is that too much to ask? Then last night this verse about God and how He neither slumbers nor sleeps came into my head. I'm sure it was by chance.

Psalm 121
I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from whence shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made the heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand. The sun will not smite you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul. The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

10 things

So I've been neglecting this blog, because I don't FEEL like being vulnerable. ick.....but I'm working on that. SO as to follow the example of friends I'm simply going to list 10 things that I am thankful for and/or make me happy. I am supposed to write the bulletin cover for next Sunday, so I better get real soon, pray for that please.

in no particular order

1. When my kids willingly give me hugs and kisses

2. A friend telling me they love me as their friend

3. Coffee mixed with hot chocolate in the morning

4. Dennis kissing me goodbye in the am when I am mostly asleep

5. When V nearly sleeps through the night

6. Naps

7. Being included

8. pretty paper/fabric

9. blog comments (no hint intended :)

10. I heard my ring tone at the end of a movie the other day (son of rambow, check it out!)

this would make 11, but this pic makes me happy...abbie in the back goofing it up, traci is in the moment with a sincere smile...we were all getting our groove it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

quote to chew on...

Excerpts from The Indwelling Life of Christ, by Major W Ian Thomas, Chapter 9;

The Holy Spirit always exposes the flesh for what it is, and there is nothing more infuriating to the carnally minded Christian than when those who are spiritually discerning remain unimpressed with him i spite of so much self-advertisement.

Consent, therefore, to die to all that you are which does not derive from all that Christ is, and thank Him for His willingness to make it real in your experience.

sometimes I'm not sure what side of that (the first sentence) i'm on...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How do I smell?

So the title doesn't seem to be as eloquent as I imagined this post to be when i decided to write 30 seconds ago. However, it is the question that ran through my mind like a scrolling marquee as I read this verse:

But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life. And who is adequate for these things? For we are not like many; peddling the word of God, as from sincerity, but as from God, we speak in Christ in the sight of God. 2 Corinthians 3:4

So I've copied this verse down and maybe I shouldn't write anymore, as scripture does speak for itself. But I have often wondered what my aroma leads people to; life or death? There are a few people in my past in particular that I've had to learn to say a prayer for and move on because I know that I wasn't living in a way that would exemplify Christ's values. I cringe at the thought. What about now? I think on the outside I do so so. On the inside sometimes there is this attitude that creeps up like a ugly green monster and before you know it a spiritual battle is raging in my head. Victory is the Lord's as always, but what am I doing to spark the fight in the first place? Is there a spiritual deodorant that works from the inside out? I suppose that I have it already in the Holy Spirit, need to work on the daily yielding....

Verse 17, YES!! I feel like there is this marketing of Jesus going on out there and as my pastor said once, "we don't need to make God look good, He is good". But how will people know that when we are not speaking from sincerity? I know He is bigger than all my shortcomings and greater than my best day. I still get mixed up in that you don't have to do anything but even that takes effort. I just want to live truth and not get bogged down in too many gray areas.

Monday, August 18, 2008

I'll be somewhere else, doing something else and be filled with something to write, but by the time I get here it's gone, or quickly fading away. I don't like this. And yet I have kids, and other responsibilities and even now I think I'll be writing this in pieces, as my kids are downstairs playing, but that will only last so long. So as I have a moment I'm going to try to get out some of what's been going on in my upstairs region the past week or so.

My last post had the "Cardboard Testimonies" video. I still can't watch it without becoming a bit pheclemped. Mostly I am just humbled by the reminder of how little I recognize the workings of God. Even when I try to think of what my Cardboard Testimony would be my first thought is, "well, really now, what has God done in my life?" This is ridiculous, I know, but I suppose I have always suffered from the comparison complex. I see the big, amazing, in your face testimonies and rarely look in the shadows of what He has done in mine. And He HAS done great things. SO what would my piece of cardboard say....for now it would say, "wanted to jump to the end" flip it, "loving the ride". Even with that I want to add "most of the time" but I suppose that is the point - growth. If I get another tattoo, remind me that I want it to say that (sorry mom :) .

The other night I was thinking about fear. I like to think I'm a no fear type of gal. I've been bungee jumping (which I've learned is not a good thing to tell your life insurance agent), I'd love to sky dive. I have rational fears, like I did get a little naturally freaked on the inside before I went bungee jumping, but I still did it and want to immediately do it again. Still, I was driving home that night and reflecting on my day. I had been horseback riding and it was the first time in at least 6 years. I used to show and ride from ages 9 to 18, so this wasn't completely foreign to me. Still I was slightly nervous. I wasn't afraid of falling of the horse. I was afraid of looking like an idiot. Even more so I was afraid that the person I was with would be able to tell that I didn't want to look like an idiot. As gracious as she was, I'm sure she could tell. Fear of man...grrr. I truly hate it. How many times does the Bible talk about the Lord being on your side, or going before you and whom shall you fear? Tons of times. Enough times that I should know not to fear by now. I should fear nothing but God. At time like this I realize I have no clue how great and mighty our God is, no clue into the concept of eternity.

Friday, August 1, 2008


vulnerability and transparency at its best


Tuesday, July 29, 2008


bulletin cover July 27th

For some time now I have noticed different stages in my life and have labeled them. The ignorant years were my teens, the stupid years my early twenties, and the most recent stage I like to call "embracing the process of me." This was a time when I was very aware with everything wrong with me and I was so overwhelmed with the though of fixing it all in one day. It took some time, but I have since learned that life is a journey, a process that works much better if you embrace and accept the time that it is going to take. It will take a lifetime. My present stage is learning about humility, what it is and how to live a humble life. The previous lesson taught me that it is not necessarily hanging out all my dirty laundry at once, or beating myself up over the stupid years. I am still learning what it is and I'll take any tips that you feel led to pass on to me. However, God is a faithful teacher and I read something that brought me to a place of humility before God.

I picked up a book I read a couple years ago because the chapters are meaty but short and thus great for quick devotional time of an unorganized mother of three. So let me encourage you to run, don't walk, to your nearest Christian bookstore and purchase The Indwelling Life of Christ: All of Him in All of Me by Major W. Ian Thomas. Each chapter has at least one or more questions for you to linger over and carry with you through your day. Here are the first two questions at the end of Chapter One, Finding God On Earth: "1. What does it fully mean to you that you have been created in God's image and likeness.? 2. What things should logically be expected from someone who is made in God's image and likeness?" The first time I read this I mentally threw the book across the room. I was overwhelmed with my faults and shortcomings and how I was nowhere near to mirroring God's perfect image here on earth. Reading it this time, I had a little more clarity of thought, embraced the process and felt the Lord reminding my to focus on who He is and not what I am not.

Who is God? 1 John 4:16 tells us that God is love. What is love? 1 Corinthians 13 tells us all about love. Allow me to replace the word "love" with "God" and it with "His" or "He".

"God is patient, God is kind and is not jealous; God does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; He does not seek His own, is not provoked, does not take into account of a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes in all things, endures all things. God never fails..."

This is who God is, this is who I am to reflect so others may see. Step one of humility is to take my focus off of myself and put it on God. Have you ever noticed that if you are around a person long enough you start to pick up there habits or mannerisms, good or bad? May I surround myself with the God who is Love and take on His ways.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


For those of you that pay attention to what I am reading (deanna?), I have added the Goodreads widget instead of updating my own lists. Now you can see anything I've ever read, am reading or hope to read. Joys for you, huh?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

a jumble

I was thinking about this blog and wished I could have it wired somehow so when I started thinking of what I want to write on here it would just be transmitted from my jumbled brain to here. I've tried carrying a notepad with me so I can write thoughts as they come to me, but I don't do it, or I am driving and can't. Anyway...back to the purpose of this. Even now I pause, I want to stop writing. The point of me starting this was to have a place to be more personal, to be more vulnerable (whether or not anyone reads this), and as I read what I have written, there hasn't been to much vulnerability or humility. Perhaps a little and I know really know what I expect from myself, but I noticed there was a lot of "this is what I think about that". That's okay to a point, but I want to be more....of what? I don't know. I want to live deeper and more genuine, without fear of man. Just when I think I have that licked it comes rushing back from behind and knocks me down. I have been in my parents home for roughly two weeks and it has been great. A bit earlier as I was folding clothes and packing to leave to morrow, my mom was holding the baby and playing with him and I had a moment where I was aware of how natural it was to be with my mom and my kids and how strange that the experience was not a more regular part of my life. Three thousand miles is a barrier that cannot be hurdled, and I really have become more okay with it, but I still get a little sad at times. I want my kids to know my side of the family. I just spent some time with my brother who I haven't seen in six months less of two years. It was such an odd combination of getting to know someone all over again and sensing familiarity. I hugged him when I saw him and got teary eyed and pheclemped as I told him he looked like a stranger to me. (He looks so different! But good) I feel like I hardly know his wife as sweet as she is. My kids LOVED being with them and holding their hands and people/dog watching with them out the large windows of there studio apartment. I can't think about the distance and what we're all missing out on too much, because frankly it SUCKS. There is no eloquent way to put it. There are thousands of reasons why where we are living is a good ting and I have seen God work through geography to benefit a variety of relationships in my life, as well as a variety of personal issues in more ways than I could have imagined. But I still want so have my cake and eat it too. ( I actually hate that phrase) So here I rambled and spilled out what has been going on up there, brace yourself for more.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Oh the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus

I was on the schedule to write the bulletin cover for the end of June and last night someone asked me to trade with them to a much sooner Sunday and I have so much to do and won't be here for that Sunday! But praise the Lord, as I chose to actually call on Him before I freaked out, He answered me and gave me this. Thank you Father!

When I attended the women’s Monday night Bible study I learned, and was not surprised, that I am not the only person who has a deep love affair with the ocean. I often shamelessly ask someone if they are a mountain person or a beach person to see what level of friendship we might attain, though I did marry a mountain person. Still, for as long as I can remember I have loved all sorts of bodies of water, from puddles to seas, water has always captivated me. Yet, the ocean holds the highest rank. For those of you mountain people, let me explain.

I stand on the sand and look out at something that is bigger than me, stronger than me; it goes farther than I can comprehend. The ocean is full of more life than my whimsical mind could ever imagine. The ocean tide is amazingly predictable even 20 plus years from now because of its relationship with the moon. The waves are constantly molding and changing the shore that we see, the shelf that we do not see. The breakers sometimes crash right on the shore, loud and strong with the water spraying in your face. Sometimes they break farther out leaving only a gentle roll to wash onto the sand.

Sound familiar? God, though unlike the ocean He has no beginning or end, is bigger and stronger than me, His presence reaches farther than I can comprehend. He is not just full of life, He is life, a life more pure and full than I will ever see or imagine on this earth. We sing “Your love oh Lord is like the ocean’s tide” because His love is faithful, nothing can sway it, and unlike the ocean His love is dependent on nothing and no one. God is constantly shaping and molding our lives in ways we can and cannot see. Sometimes He speaks to us in ways that are loud, obvious, and either knocks us down or at least leaves sand in our hair and the taste of salt on our face. Other times He gently washes over us, tenderly loving us closer to Himself.

Please forgive me if it sounds like I am trying to limit God to an analogy of the ocean. I am not. The ocean is bigger than me, and God is bigger than the ocean. Even that sounds like an understatement to me. I didn’t mention the depth, nor did I even touch on the intricate sand. However, as we head into the summer and whether we are led to the beach or to the mountains, let us soak in the One who created the sun and the water and the skies and all that is around us to enjoy and to remind us of His amazing, comforting fabulous, stunning, washing over, incomprehensible, remarkable, mind blowing love.

O the deep, deep love of Jesus,
Vast, unmeasured, boundless, free!
Rolling as a mighty ocean
In its fullness over me!
Underneath me, all around me,
Is the current of Thy love
Leading onward, leading homeward
To Thy glorious rest above!

O the deep, deep love of Jesus
Spread His praise from shore to shore!
How He loveth, ever loveth
, Changeth never, nevermore!
How He watches o’er His loved ones,
Died to call them all His own;
How for them He intercedeth,
Watcheth o’er them from the throne

!O the deep, deep love of Jesus,
Love of every love the best!
’Tis an ocean vast of blessing,
’Tis a haven sweet of rest!
O the deep, deep love of Jesus,
’Tis a heaven of heavens to me;
And it lifts me up to glory,
For it lifts me up to Thee!

Samuel Trevor Francis (1875)

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Shack

I'm not sure how close you look at this blog, but you might have noticed that The Shack by William P. Young has moved out of the reading now section. I finished it about a week ago and I am just now getting to blog about it. This book is full of so much, that I don't really know where to start. I will say that it is not necessarily the greatest piece of literature I have ever read, but all the same it was a good read. The main character, Mack, has a tragedy occur in his family which leads him to a face to face encounter with God in three persons. He is put into a situation where he has an opportunity to ask God all the questions most of the world desires to ask. He is shown how to face his fear, and struggles, through a relationship with the Father, which in turn brings freedom. I can't really say anymore, I would be just telling you the whole story instead of letting you read it. But I do recommend that you read it. This book would be a great discussion book, perfect for those questioning the idea of church as an institution, for those who are questioning who God really is. Young does an beautiful and articulate job of clarifying God as the relationship paradigm, distinguishing between what man has created versus God's design for us. It's not scripture, but I personally didn't find anything that directly contradicted it. There were a few times where I started to say, "hmmm...wait a sec.." and then I would read on and say, "okay, ya..." Read it, let me know what you think.

An excerpt:

Mack was a bit taken back to hear Jesus talking about "church" this way, but then again, it didn't really surprise him. It was a relief. "So how do I become a part of that church.?" he asked. "This woman you seem to be so gaga over."

"It's simple, Mack. It's all about relationships and simply sharing life. What we are doing right now- just doing this- and being open and available to others around us. My church is all about people and life is all about relationships. You can't build it. It's my job and I'm actually pretty good at it," Jesus said with a chuckle.

later on...

"Mack, you don't need to have it all figured out. Just be with me."

Sunday, May 11, 2008


a little tribute to my mom click here

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I have a picture in my head. I've walked into my house one evening and I see my mom standing at my sink, my grandma is next to her, holding my youngest son (3 months old) and his head is resting on her shoulder in complete comfort. I don't get to see this often as these women live 3000 miles away. But Sunday night my husband and I came home to this picture and I was filled with warmth. The women in my family, in my home guarding my children, perhaps this is no big deal to you. For me it was a reminder to not take for granted what time I have with my family, and to be thankful that I have women ahead of me that have wisdom that only come from the Lord and a willingness to love and care for me and mine.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Who Needs Who?

God doesn’t need us. I have heard it preached that He does. I don’t think that’s true. He desires us, He wants us and He has chosen to weave us into His plan. But He doesn’t need us. We need Him. Our relationship with God is not codependent. Believing that God needs us may make us feel good, and more a part of things, but once again…it’s not about us. It’s about God. I find freedom in this. Not matter what I do I cannot mess up God’s plan. The outcome is written and I’m excited that He has chosen me to be a part of it. But I am not the reason it will or won’t work out. And it will work out. Our pastor said something on Sunday that I love, “God doesn’t need us to make Him look good. God is good.” amen? amen.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Freedom and Boundaries

Growing up I remember my mom reading the writings of Watchman Nee. I picked up a few of his books at a Library sale a year or two ago and I have finally picked them up. Since I am reading a couple of other big books right now, I chose The Joyful Heart; Daily Meditations. Another reason I chose it is because it is a daily reading type of book and since I struggle with just picking up my Bible everyday this sort of thing helps me to do that. On Tuesday I read this:

"And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth." John 17:19

As the sinless Son of God, Jesus enjoyed freedom far exceeding any we have on earth. There is much that we may not do or say because we are so full of defects and defilement, but that was never true of him. And yet, notwithstanding, his faultlessness, he deliberately refrained from doing many things which for him would have been quite legitimate, from speaking many words which he might lawfully have spoken, and justifiably have taken. These were some of the ways in which he "sanctified" himself, refraining from much that was lawful for his disciples' sake.

What it means is that when holiness was in view, the Lord Jesus thought not merely of his own holiness but of ours. For our sakes he accepted limitations. The opposite of holiness is not sin but commonness. Commonness means: I do what is common practice to everyone. Holiness means: Others may do something but, in this instance at least, I may not. To sanctify ourselves is to accept restraint from God upon our spirits. As with the Lord Jesus, this may often be for the sake of others.

This really hit home as I have struggled with this for years. Balancing freedom and grace with living a holy and purposeful life. I love art in all forms (film, music, paintings, dance, etc.) and though perhaps the way the art is displayed as a whole appears beautiful to me, perhaps the content is not piece by piece edifying. Do I allow separation of that depending on the circumstance? Do I take into account that I'm all alone or whether or not non-believers or new believers are present, or should I just be 100% consistent in these decisions. I think that with the turn some churches are taking there is this idea of telling the world we are just like them so the world will accept us. The Bible tells us that isn't going to happen. We are not like the world and the world will hate us for it. What's the point if we are to be the same? I know that I often want to be sure that I don't come across too judgemental, or stuffy or a prude if you will, instead of being concerned about living up to the way I am seen by God, holy. He sees me this way because Christ died for my sins, rose from the dead and is now standing in front of me as a filter of light and cleanliness. I wonder if some of the choices I make spit on that.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


"No, but I will surely buy it from you for a price, for I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God which cost me nothing." 2 Samuel 24:24

I read this yesterday and was challenged in how I live for the Lord, how I give to Him. I will say to Him, "Anywhere, anytime, anything Lord." But my life often lives a "anywhoodie... la de da" and I'll ignore the Holy Spirit's leading and go my own way. I suppose I don't do that in all things, but mostly in the things that will cost me something when the push comes to shove. And it's funny because I really think I would obey in the big public things. It's the little things that affect my comfort zone that are the challenge. But then I'm not doing it for the Lord but for me, which is why perhaps He doesn't let me out too much these days. And what does it cost me really? If I truly believe that our time here is a just a breath, does it really cost me anything? It costs me my pride. That thing I keep trying to throw away but it sticks like Velcro. So I'll just have to keep ripping it off.

sidenote: in the previous post I mentioned a missing piece. so yesterday I put the puzzle away and 20min. later I found the piece...grrr...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Missing Piece

When my mom was here and we were waiting for baby number three to arrive, she bought a box of puzzles. I must admit that I was not thrilled with the idea. Large puzzles have always annoyed me because I would look at them, add a piece or two and then get stuck. So when the first puzzle was started (there were 9 in the box I think) I wandered over, found a few pieces and before you knew it I could not tear myself away from it. The other night the kids wanted to do another one, which means I'll do it and now and then they'll check on the progress. Once again I became hooked and was determined to finish it, (it's a painting of Time Square) and it basically took me to nights and I finished it up yesterday morning. While I was placing in the last few pieces I stopped to examine a piece more closely and dropped it. I still haven't found it. So 749 pieces down, 1 to go. There are so many metaphors I could ramble on about when it comes to a missing piece. But lately I have been thinking about how I still think that things of this earth will "change my life". Those are the exact words that I think and sometimes speak when something new and yet temporal is about to enter my world. I said it when I got a new vacuum that I wanted for my birthday (did not change my life, but I don't dread vacuuming anymore). I recently said it after we decided to buy a dishwasher. All the while there is God's voice in my head saying, "Um excuse me, I believe that I change your life." Yes, HE's right....not vacuum's and dishwashers (although they are part of His blessings) or even a million dollars will change my life in the way that He can and has, and continues to. I don't want to be waiting on a lottery that I don't play to fall into my lap, and then I can do amazing things for God. I want to learn to serve in the small things, in my home, in prayer, behind the scenes, and then not be afraid when the big ones that I've asked for come along.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

He Will Come!

I have been listening to this song a lot lately. I just finished a Bible study in Daniel and so the subject of the end times has been rolling around in my head. There was a time in my life where I honestly did not look forward to the Lord's return as much as I should have or do now. I was younger and had some things that I wanted to do first, marriage, kids, travel, etc. And though I'm thankful that I have been able to experience all though things now, I realize how temporal all this is. I have heard it said that this life on earth is an exhale and eternity is where we inhale. I want to live in the moment and enjoy the time I have here, but I still want to have eternity in the forefront of my mind. Which, I suppose, will help me to treasure what little time we have here, and to live it well.

When I first heard this song I was sure that they had a spy cam following me around, it describes me down to the Chevy and spilling things, not seeing myself as the Father does....beautiful.

He Will Come
by Don Chaffer and Lori Chaffer

Soon it will be hammered into what she calls her silly head
That she really isn’t silly but she’s beautiful instead
But every time she gets a hold of something pretty, it slips away
So she keeps hoping that someday soon

He will come. He will come
He will comfort all that’s hardened
Change the deserts into gardens
And we all will see His face.
He will come. He will come.
He will soften all the starkness
Break the chambers of our darkness
And we’ll all be overwhelmed

She spilled her coffee in her Chevy on the way to work at 8:05
She always thought that she was clumsy and she hated it and wondered why
She can handle any tragedy that happens but not little things like this
So she keeps hoping that someday soon

He will come. He will come
He will comfort all that’s hardened
Change the deserts into gardens
And we all will see His face.
He will come. He will come.
He will soften all the starkness
Break the chambers of our darkness
And we’ll all be overwhelmed

Within the world of a girl, the words she hears they mean an awful lot
And the music in her mind when she gets older has the lyrics she was taught
And when she gets to heaven all the right things will be said
And He will look on her with favor

He will come. He will come
He will comfort all that’s hardened
Change the deserts into gardens
And we all will see His face.
He will come. He will come.
He will soften all the starkness
Break the chambers of our darkness
And we’ll all be overwhelmed

He will come. He will come.
He'll remove His flaming garment,
Place it on the lowest harlot,
And we all will see His face.
He will come. He will come.
All my scars will turn to fountains
All my valleys into mountains
And we all will see His face
He will come. He will come.
All you watchmen lift your voices
Then every boy and girl rejoices
when we’ll all be overwhelmed .

Thursday, March 27, 2008

warmer days ARE coming...

It's one of those cloudy days where the reain comes when I'm not looking. The only reason I know that it fell is because I peeked outside my front door and saw spots on my walkway. So I sit and drink my homemade mocha, do my bible study "homework", and start this. I don't want to leave the house today, but I must pick up my daughter and niece from preschool. I don't want to do anything today except stay cozy and drink hot beverages and read my book and browse the internet. But as I'm reminded everyday, life isn't about me. Although it's dreary today I know spring is technically here. In the spirit of the soon to come warmer days I'm sharing some pictures of flowers that I've taken over the past year.