Thursday, April 3, 2008

He Will Come!

I have been listening to this song a lot lately. I just finished a Bible study in Daniel and so the subject of the end times has been rolling around in my head. There was a time in my life where I honestly did not look forward to the Lord's return as much as I should have or do now. I was younger and had some things that I wanted to do first, marriage, kids, travel, etc. And though I'm thankful that I have been able to experience all though things now, I realize how temporal all this is. I have heard it said that this life on earth is an exhale and eternity is where we inhale. I want to live in the moment and enjoy the time I have here, but I still want to have eternity in the forefront of my mind. Which, I suppose, will help me to treasure what little time we have here, and to live it well.

When I first heard this song I was sure that they had a spy cam following me around, it describes me down to the Chevy and spilling things, not seeing myself as the Father does....beautiful.

He Will Come
by Don Chaffer and Lori Chaffer

Soon it will be hammered into what she calls her silly head
That she really isn’t silly but she’s beautiful instead
But every time she gets a hold of something pretty, it slips away
So she keeps hoping that someday soon

He will come. He will come
He will comfort all that’s hardened
Change the deserts into gardens
And we all will see His face.
He will come. He will come.
He will soften all the starkness
Break the chambers of our darkness
And we’ll all be overwhelmed

She spilled her coffee in her Chevy on the way to work at 8:05
She always thought that she was clumsy and she hated it and wondered why
She can handle any tragedy that happens but not little things like this
So she keeps hoping that someday soon

He will come. He will come
He will comfort all that’s hardened
Change the deserts into gardens
And we all will see His face.
He will come. He will come.
He will soften all the starkness
Break the chambers of our darkness
And we’ll all be overwhelmed

Within the world of a girl, the words she hears they mean an awful lot
And the music in her mind when she gets older has the lyrics she was taught
And when she gets to heaven all the right things will be said
And He will look on her with favor

He will come. He will come
He will comfort all that’s hardened
Change the deserts into gardens
And we all will see His face.
He will come. He will come.
He will soften all the starkness
Break the chambers of our darkness
And we’ll all be overwhelmed

He will come. He will come.
He'll remove His flaming garment,
Place it on the lowest harlot,
And we all will see His face.
He will come. He will come.
All my scars will turn to fountains
All my valleys into mountains
And we all will see His face
He will come. He will come.
All you watchmen lift your voices
Then every boy and girl rejoices
when we’ll all be overwhelmed .


Deanna said...

Thanks for the recommendation - love it and I love this new site of yours! I check it often!

The McKays said...

i need to meditate on these words. i love songs about the hope that is coming! thank you for the reminder today.