Wednesday, September 29, 2010

National Coffee Day

I'm not back on caffeine because I'm still breastfeeding, but I like my coffee for the taste. I like it black. Oh yes. I also enjoy a good latte or mocha or other flavored fun treat, but in the

In honor of National Coffee Day, enjoy yourself a cup of joe and if at all possible go fair trade. There are so many options out there and it's another way to do our tiny parts that will add up to something big.

Ways to give and get your coffee too!

Land of a Thousand Hills

Equal Exchange

Delicious Peace

Fair Trad Coffee Co.


Monday, September 27, 2010


I keep telling myself to get on here before Monday comes around....but alas, here we are.

21. Rainy days that mean hubby stays home!
22. Libraries
23. Babies that sleep all night.
24. Church family
25. Humbling moments

Monday, September 20, 2010


holy experience
9. School buses
11. Fall Weather that is still warm enough for shorts and short sleeves and bare feet
12. Health
13. Old saints rejoicing in heaven (RIP Elizabeth Frye)
14. Upcoming family camping night
15. Days w/ nothing to do (haven't had one in a while)
16. My sewing machine.
17. People who adopt.
18. Sunday school teachers and nusery workers
19. God's gentle guidance
20. Fulfilled scripture

Monday, September 13, 2010


Let us not lost heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. Galatians 6:9
As things have just been more challenging on the mom front lately I have been clinging to this verse. I have been reminded that I am not perfect. Sometimes I forget that. I never actually think or say that I am, but I forget that I'm not.
I also keep neglecting this blog. But does anyone read it? I know, I know, that's not the point, but dad gummet I'm feeling needy so comment already! Yes, I'm whining. But to compensate for the neediness and whining I'm going to start my expression of gratefulness. Though I only have time for a few, need to get on dinner. To find out more about it click HERE. (thanks Deanna for introducing me to this.)
holy experience
1. My God
2. That He keeps His promise and has held onto me at all times, especially when I have days/weeks as of late.
3. My husband...for the same reasons.
4. My children for learning along with me.
5. That my fourth child is the easiest baby in the world.
6. The BEAutiful weather
7. Friends who call at the right time.
8. Blue skies.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010