Saturday, January 9, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook

My Simple Woman’s Daybook For Today… January 9, 2009

Outside my window....sunshine that makes you feel warm to look at, but if you step out into it the cold wind steals your comfort.

I am thinking… of many many things.

I am thankful for… God's faithfulness, my hubs.

From the kitchen…breakfast was whole wheat banana & chocolate waffles, the rest of the day is undecided at this point.

From the learning rooms…how committed am I to the Lord? constant life lessons.

I am wearing… let's just say that it's laundry day.

I am reading… the Bible (in 90 days), Autobiography of George Mueller, Crazy Love by Francis Chan

I am hoping… for a short winter.

I am hearing… my daughter play cowgirl on a giraffe and youngest son play a toy piano.

I am creating… piles.

Around the house… must pick a about the never ending bedroom?

One of my favorite things… listening to the kids Bible verses on Sunday am.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week… planning for the church movie night (Faith Like Potatoes)

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you…

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